He Reigns Rescue Ranch

Our Faithful Partners

Many of our ranch horses have painfully suffered & endured a past of neglect and abuse. They are given proper care, nutrition, and hours of retraining. They, too, have found “healing and trust” here at our small ranch.


Black Quarter Horse Mare

Sassy was hauntingly discovered in a field with a dead horse carcass and herd of 20 yearlings. She was the “smallest” of all, with a horrible parasite infestation, malnourishment, and covered heavily with lice & ticks. Meet our gorgeous “spirit-filled” faithful partner, Sassy.


Cross Draft/Quarter Horse Paint

Samson was probably bullied as a yearling. He was discovered in a small over-crowded pen of deep rancid manure & mud with many horses. He had horrible hoof rot and was very malnourished… probably not able to get to the hay due to the pecking order of the herd. Meet our “gentle giant” faithful partner, Samson.

Kota Smoke

Grullo Quarter Horse

Our daughter’s horse being “ranch raised,” he was never neglected. My daughter purchased her own horse at the same age that I, too, purchased my first horse 40 years ago. She, too, has a passion for horses and kids and wants to share her horse and reach kids. Meet our faithful partner, Kota.

John 3:16

Wild Mountain Horse from Out West Roundup

He was found wandering down a country dirt roadside. A desperate call to the Ranch came in asking to please help and rescue him! Horribly emaciated, covered with matted dried feces and several years without hoof care, we were blessed to rescue him. He is an amazing, sweet, resilient horse, believed from his younger years running wild out West before he was captured in a roundup and shipped to auction 20 years prior.


Orphaned Grullo Quarter Horse

Rejected at birth from his mother, this colt was Ranch hand raised with feedings around the clock every 4 hours. His first 2 days of life was a heart breaking story of abandonment, courage and of human trust. Meet our faithful partner Brave.